Friday, March 7, 2008

Essay 1

Wow, it's time to begin working on easy already. I understand that we are writing an argumentative essay and not a short story. We were given some ideas. I am thinking about exploring coming of age and rites of passage. The story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been" pops into my head when i think about coming of age. I am not sure what about coming of age i am going to focus on. I have always found the idea of growing up interesting. I have some general questions:

  1. Are we going to work in peer editing groups once we submit our draft. Last semester the peer editing groups were not truly effective. If we do ger into peer editing groups how will it be different?
  2. Do we still follow the same essay guidelines from ENG 112?
  3. When we turn in our Work Cited does it have to be annotated?

I'm worried about starting this essay. The last essay from ENG111 was an argumentative essay. The amount of research I had to do to support my thesis was overwhelming. The topic of coming of age is broad. Maybe if I narrow my topic I won't find th research so difficult and tedious.

1 comment:

Clary said...

You topic is too broad here, so you'll have to narrow this down. Yes, we will work in peer editing groups again this semester. The fact that they weren't effective does not mean we stop, but I do think we need to address expectations. Do you think students didn't believe there was accountability or do you think they just didn't care?

I will review aspects of peer editing tomorrow.

You do not need to submit an annotated bibliography with essay 1. Remember your primary source should be a text we read for class and two outside sources should help you support your argument. Look at my blog posting on "WAYG, WHYB?" to see how you might focus your claim.