Friday, February 8, 2008


What is the purpose of this unguided internet activity? Why are we blogging? Why are we enjoying this mindless activity? Does anyone have any answers to any of these questions?


Jovi said...

I don't think we do have the answeres. we jus takin it one class at a time. lol. I feel u tho, I do sometimes what are we really doing in this class. It's kinda frustrating. But let's see how this goes

Clary said...

Hi Dana
We're using this space to work on our writing and thinking about literature. I'm searching for posts on the Power of Myth film and the first story "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" Make sure you have finished this story by Tuesday (we will meet at 12pm to make up for my absence) and written two complete responses according to the syllabus guidelines for Online Writing Journal.

Also, you can eliminate the awkward url address on the side and replace with names if you go into edit. Check out some of your classmates blogs in this regard.